

All Out Air War on Japan. 17 May 1945 Universal Newsreel about air raids on Japan. Source: National Archives, College Park, Maryland.


「広島の原爆」、ニュース映画(ユニバーサル)、1946年。 原爆投下より一年・町並みの様子など。
Japanese Films of Atom Blast at Hiroshima. 1946 United Newsreels segment showing effects of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and life in the city one year later. Source: National Archives, College Park, Maryland.


「日本からアメリカまで・B29による直行飛行」、ニュース映画(ユニバーサル)、1945年。 カーチス・ルメイ(と他数名)が北海道からワシントンD.C.まで飛行する様子。
Nonstop B-29 Flight from Japan to United States. 1945 Universal Newsreel clip of Curtis LeMay and others completing a B-29 flight from Hokkaido, Japan to Washington D.C. Source: National Archives, College Park, Maryland.


December 18, 1944 Universal Newsreels clip with footage related to the Army Air Forces XXI Bomber Command’s base on Saipan and the first air raid on Tokyo, November 24, 1944. Source: National Archives, College Park, Maryland.



Target Tokyo! From Saipan B-29 Base. Source: National Archives, College Park, Maryland.


Saipan is Ours.


Japanese newsreels with aerial footage of destroyed Tokyo. Fall 1945 U.S. Army Air Forces aerial footage of Tokyo with narrators discussing urban planning and the rebuilding of the Japanese capital.

Universal Newsreel: Secret Maps Guided U.S. Bombers.